Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a very common treatment. We all know of friends or family that have had the procedure. But not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. And not all wisdom teeth that do need removal cause pain. But the ones that need to go, need to go. Our team at Iconic Dentistry are able to assess your wisdom teeth to let you know if yours need removal, when is the best time to do it, and how it should be done.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are your third adult molars. They are the last adult teeth to erupt into the mouth. Usually this is between the ages of 17 to 25. Most people have 4 wisdom teeth – two on the top and two on the bottom. If you are in this age bracket and have not had your wisdom teeth assessed, we recommend you see one of the dentists at Iconic Dentistry for a consult.
When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?
Wisdom teeth should be removed when it is determined that they will become problematic, and the benefit of removal outweighs keeping them in. Most wisdom teeth problems come about due to lack of room in the mouth. The teeth don’t have enough space to erupt properly and so become “impacted”.
Impacted wisdom teeth may be partially erupted, or completely submerged. They can cause problems such as: swollen gums, bleeding gums, tenderness, jaw pain, jaw swelling, bad breath, difficulty opening your mouth, and difficulty cleaning. Due to the lack of space to clean, they are likely to develop decay or even put the nearby teeth at risk.
Sometimes people will experience wisdom tooth pain, but sometimes this all happens asymptomatically. With modern technology we are able to predict which wisdom teeth will give problems, and which are unlikely to. This means with pro-active treatment, we can remove problematic wisdom teeth before they cause significant pain.
If you need wisdom teeth extraction, the treatment should be scheduled as soon as possible. Don’t wait for wisdom teeth symptoms to develop or worsen – as it will always come at the most inconvenient time. It is wise to be able to schedule wisdom teeth removal so that you can plan your work, study and social life around it.
How Long Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Take?
It depends on the complexity of the procedure, how many teeth, and how the procedure is done. Some wisdom teeth can be extracted very easily, whilst others require a more complex surgical approach. The treatment can take place under local anaesthesia – this means you are awake, but fully numb so you don’t feel the treatment. We can also provide the treatment under Intravenous Sedation or under General Anaesthesia where you are essentially asleep. Your dentist at Iconic Dentistry can advise what will be the best approach for you.
What To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Are Removed
When the wisdom teeth are removed, the body will go through the healing process. This means the area involved: the gums, jaw bone, jaw joint may become a bit tender during the healing process. It is best to eat soft foods during this time, and avoid heavily spiced or hot (chilli) foods during this time.
How Soon Will I Recover?
Everyone’s recovery time is a bit different. This will depend on the complexity of the procedure, and your body’s healing ability. Sometimes, sutures (stitches) will be placed to help with the healing. There will be some tenderness and swelling around the wisdom teeth extraction site. For most people, visible swelling will last 1-2 weeks.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Perth
If you’re looking for a dentist to remove your wisdom teeth in Perth, look no further! Our South Perth clinic is equipped to extract your wisdom teeth and keep your teeth healthy with our general dentistry services. Located in the Meadowvale Shopping Centre, you can book in your wisdom teeth removal in Perth today!