Modern general dentistry services are all about maintaining your teeth for life. With advancements in health and medicine, we are all living longer and eating better, however our adult teeth are still the same teeth that we get between the age of 6 and 12 years. With the average life expectancy in Australia being at 82.9 years – that’s a lot of time where things can happen to our teeth. This includes: decay, wear and tear, cracks, and gum issues. Our teeth aren’t able to renew themselves, so we need to be right on top of it. We want you to be able to eat, talk, and smile in your 80s the same way you did when you were in your 20s. Regular general dentistry services is the key and our team at Iconic Dentistry are here to look after you.
Why Should You See A General Dentist?
Anything that happens with our teeth generally stays forever. For most people our teeth can actually tell a pretty good story about what they’ve been through. How quickly your teeth wears down can come down to what you eat and even how you chew food.
Simple things like eating, chewing, and even brushing our teeth (if done incorrectly) will wear down our teeth. Some teeth will wear down faster than others depending on the way you chew, and may eventually develop cracks which weaken the tooth structure.
Going through periods of stress can cause some to grind their teeth – either during the day or at night during sleep. By visiting a general dentist regularly we can look out for signs of grinding and offer preventative measures like occlusal splints.
Some people have a tendency to eat certain foods that are more acidic. A lot of foods containing sugar, like lollies, carbonated drinks, bread and alcohol can cause plaque buildup and can cause serious health effects on your teeth.
Oral Hygiene
Some people may go through periods where we don’t clean as well as we should (such as in our teenage years, when we’re on holidays, when we’re stressed, etc) and develop decay. The truth is that being alive and going through the motions of normal living all take their toll on our teeth.
All of these factors contribute to why it’s important to see a dentist on a regular basis for general dental services, and be proactive on receiving dental treatment as necessary.
General Dentistry Treatments
General dentistry includes any treatment that may be necessary to maintain your teeth and gums healthy for life. Our goal is always to do the least amount of treatment necessary to keep your teeth healthy. This means regular preventative general dentistry.
General dental treatments include: regular cleans of the gums. This is important to keep the gums healthy so they support the teeth. Some people are susceptible to gum disease (known as periodontal disease) where the teeth may be healthy, but the gums start to lose their support of the teeth. This is an irreversible process and once the gums and bone shrink back, they cannot grow back. In severe cases the teeth may even fall out.
The teeth will eventually wear out over time. The exact pattern of wear depends on the individual and their bite, but you can expect that some teeth will inevitably wear out faster than others. When teeth wear out, we start to lose chewing efficiency. We also lose strength in the teeth and the bite will start to change. These are generally things that we don’t want to happen. By regularly receiving general dentistry services, we can restore worn down teeth so that they are as good as new.
Some teeth may also start to develop cracks. These teeth become compromised and without treatment, they may eventually fracture. This could mean loss of the tooth, where a tooth replacement is required. If detected early enough we are able to strengthen the teeth so they look and feel just like new – usually a ceramic crown or filling is required in these cases.
What Happens In A General Dental Check Up?
A general dentistry check up involves a very comprehensive examination of the teeth, the gums, the soft tissues of the cheeks and tongue, as well as the bite. At Iconic Dentistry, our general dental check up involves taking a full series of clinical photos, x-rays as required, and a 3D digital scan as required. In this way we can track any changes that happen in your mouth over time.
What Do General Dentists Check For?
In your general dentistry check up we look at the health of your teeth, your gums, the lips, tongue, soft tissues, and your bite. We check to see that things are working as they should, and that there are no underlying issues developing that you may not be aware of.
How Often Should You Get A General Dental Check Up?
For most adults we recommend a general dental check up every 6 months. This may change depending on the status of your dental health – some people may need more frequent visits, some less.